HyperScope Video Script


What the video will highlight

The video will primarily highlight the HyperScope's ability to extract information from multiple documents and present them dynamically to the reader based on various criteria.

This video focuses on multiple documents being manipulated simultaneously, though it should be noted that the actual HyperScope will also provide substantial improvements in navigating single documents as well.

The interface Fleur uses here will mostly be voice. She will also be using her hands. The important pop-up menu feautre of the real HyperScope will likely be illustrated ut we have not decided how yet.

The different functions (highlighting, cutting etc) will be shown by very differently dressed people doing those functions in the quick video degments.


For more information read the 'Draft OHS Project Plan' at Bootstrap.


Features to Highlight Script

Fleur walks into a newsagent. She buys every news paper and a few magazines about health food.

She walks out and says: "OK, that was easy, I have plenty of information here, but it's going to take a lot of time to go through it all and find what I need."

So Fleur goes home and spreads all the newspapers out on the living room floor.

"OK, I wish I had an assistant who would just go through all this and show me only the articles on health food"

VO: "But you do, your magic HyperScope will tear it all up and organize it for you!"

Extracting relevant words and sentences EXAMPLE: show me all the mentions of the phrase 'health food' in a new window.

"Oh yes!" Fleur goes on: "Show me only the articles on Health Food"

We both go to work, leafing through the newspapers and magazines and cut out the sections on health food.

Every time we cut something out, we glue a string to it to connect it to where it came from. This is all shown in seriously speeded up camera time.

"Now that's better" says Fleur, alone again. "But what I'd really like to see is if someone recommends vitamin C. I have heard it's a hot topic and hope I can get an idea from the papers today".

Fleur and I remove all references which do not include vitamin C. Again, this sequence is shown in seriously fast film.

Highlighting words & phrases EXAMPLE: highlight the phrase 'vitamin c'

"Great, now show me 'vitamin c' in orange, so that I can get a good overview."

Therese, dressed in orange quickly highlights every reference to vitamin c.

Outlining EXAMPLE: just show me the first line of each paragraph.  "OK, that's a lot of references. Show he only the sentences with 'vitamin c'.
Multiple, linked windows EXAMPLE: show me the first line of each paragraph in a window on the left, linked to the full text on the right, so that I can use it as a table of contents.  "I'm getting the picture here. I want to see the full paragraph where that sentence comes from, this one and that one, over here." And the full paragraphs show up.
High-Resolution Addressability EXAMPLE: link to this sentence, not just this page.  "Misty should read this one, I'll email her the link to that sentence."
Copying-Pasting HyperScope Links EXAMPLE: I can give someone a link which has in it all the settings to re-create the layout of what I am looking at.  
Show source EXAMPLE: show me what other documents link to this one.

"Great, but that still leaves a lot".

"Let me se..." Fleur pours over the scraps of paper. One catches her attention. "Hey, it says here that too much Vitamin C is unhealthy! Who said that?"

We go back to fast forward mode as the clipping of that sentence is replaced by the full article.

"Ah, it also says here that only very large doses are bad".

Back-Link Management EXAMPLE: show me what other documents link to this one. "I wonder which are from reliable sources. Show me in a new list which ones are linked to from the WHO, UN or other government health agencies." And that's done.
Semantic coloring EXAMPLE: show me all sentences which have the phrase 'vitamin c' and generally good words in one column, and the ones which have bad word sin another.

"I wonder who else has something bad to day about vitamin C. I'd like to see all the articles on vitamin C which have the word 'bad' or 'unhealthy' or 'side effects' in them in the same sentence as vitamin C. I'd like those words colored red, over here, in a new column."

"And the ones with 'good' and 'beneficial' colored green, over here."

"The ones with neither, remove them.

"The ones with both, just leave them here."

Relative Addressing EXAMPLE: go to the first phone number in the document which is in the same paragraph as the name 'Smith".  
Indirect Linking EXAMPLE: go to the first link in the document which is in the same paragraph as the name 'Smith" and show me the result.  
Implicit Linking EXAMPLE: show me the glossary definition of this word. "What does that mean, tell me the glossary entry for that word". Someone appears and speaks the definition. "OK, not sure if I agree. Look for this word on Google".
Saving the URL as a report EXAMPLE: this is great, I'll save this URL, keeping all the settings. "Cool. Enough work for one day. I'll just save the URL for this view and come back to it later".
  "I could get used to this!"